Book Review: Thank You, Teacher!

Imee Cuison
1 min readMar 13, 2023

I am grateful to the many teachers that have been in Ylvie’s life. Not only her teachers at South Carolina Connections Academy but the teachers in Ylvie’s extracurricular activities: Ballet, Hip Hop, French, Chess, Theater, Tennis, and Sunday School.

I started teaching the third grade in Sunday School this year. I love it! I only do this one hour a week though. I can’t imagine how difficult it is to keep students engaged all day and all week long!

That’s why this book is not only a perfect gift for teachers, but a great read for children. It helps them realize how much their teachers do for them.

The book is a love letter to teachers and all that they do. If you are looking for a sweet gift to give to a teacher in your life, this is a cute idea.

Teacher Appreciation Week is in May!

Thank you to Purple Shelf Media for our copy.

Purple Shelf Media: @purpleshelfmedia

HarperCollins: @harperkids

Balzer+Bray: @balzerandbray

Cate Berry: @cateberryatx

Sara Varon: @sara.varon



Imee Cuison
Imee Cuison

Written by Imee Cuison

I am a full stack software engineer, data scientist, published author, wellness coach, and homeschooling single mother to my seven year-old daughter, Ylvie.

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